
Kill Catcallers

Kill Catcallers is a motorcycle inspired apparel company built on the idea that female riders should be able to ride without being bothered by advances and comments.


Kill Catcallers

During the chaos of 2020, a fellow motorcycle enthusiast and I created a motorcycle-inspired apparel company titled Kill Catcallers. The name may be aggressive but we mean no harm. We built the brand around the idea that female motorcyclists should be able to ride without being bothered by advances, catcalls, and comments.

Simply put - leave a girl alone.


Your Mother Raised You Better

I wanted to convey the age-old phrase in an interesting way. What better way than word art in the shape of an old-school open face motorcycle helmet?


Clyde was designed as an homage to/parody of the cartoon styles of the past; the ones that portrayed outrageous and dated behavior in particular.

Additional Designs

Here’s a collection of additional designs I created for upcoming shirts, stickers, and accessories.